Mannie Fresh Wants His Money
Monday, January 09, 2012
Nana Gabbana
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Mannie Fresh is still waiting on Cash Money to give him his money. Fresh was the man behind virtually all of the label's early hits, but he and the label parted ways due to financial issues. According to Mannie, those issues haven't been resolved.
"We still have money issues. We will always have them, as long as Cash Money is selling anything that has Mannie Fresh on it. 'Til this day, I'm like, 'Dude, what's going on? Where are the statements for this?' There's always some kind of complication, that's all I can say," Fresh said in an interview. "Everybody has to get paid. It would be something large if Cash Money did a tour with the first generation of artists, but with everything that's happened, we need money upfront and on top of that we all need our own attorneys. You don't get my money and pay me-I get my money directly."-greenhitz.com
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