
Rihanna does W

Rihanna’s cover story in W Magazine covers most of what we’ve been fed since she decided to speak out. Here are 6 more facts that you may learn from the interview:

She has a total of 13 tattoos.
The most recent “Never a Failure, Always A Lesson” is written backwards on her collar bone so that she can read it in the mirror

The producer who discovered Rihanna was shocked by her last album
“I have to admit, it was a bit of a shock the first time I heard all the songs. When I first met her, she was painfully shy. “This album was sort of like hearing your daughter using profanity for the first time. I’m not going to lie and say I didn’t have concerns about how her core audience would react.”

Chris only beat her once but the relationship was controlling
“There were control issues, insecurity. When people are insecure they become very controlling and they can get very aggressive and in turn abusive. It doesn’t have to be physical. Like they would say bad stuff to you to make you feel lesser than them just so they would have control in the relationship. It takes a big toll on your emotions and on your everyday life. It changes you.”

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